Transforming the global standard of childcare through universal certification, where every child receives safe, informed, and nurturing care regardless of setting—creating a world where certified childcare is not a privilege but an essential right, expected and accessible to all.
At HAYDEN, we envision a future where certification in childcare is as fundamental as a driver's license—where parents gain peace of mind, caregivers receive the recognition they deserve, and children thrive during their most formative years.
The Standard for Excellence in Childcare Certification
We are the leading global source for childcare certification.
The reality is that childcare is essential; it isn’t an option. Whether it’s us, a partner, a family member, or a hired caregiver, someone must be responsible for our children’s well-being. We require licenses or certifications for everything from a driver’s license to massage therapy to fixing a drain and teaching, and yet when it comes to childcare—the cornerstone of our kids’ safety and development—there’s very little regulated support.
Wouldn’t it make sense to have a foundational, evidence-based curriculum for anyone caring for kids? Shared, accessible knowledge around child development, safety, and wellness could be game-changing for parents and caregivers alike, helping everyone feel more confident, informed, and prepared. A certification standard for caregivers would mean we don’t have to rely on luck or assumptions; instead, we’d have a reliable framework, with data, to help us support our children develop into strong, healthy, confident and resilient leaders.